Friday, September 10, 2010

17 Days...

17... number of NBA championships by the Boston Celtics.

17...number to call the police in France.

We are in the process now of purchasing any spare parts that we might need if something breaks, gets punctured, or needs to be replaced. Tony, being the bike guru that he is, has been the go to guy for all this stuff. One thing we had to be careful of is that we don't just purchase the bare minimum. If we can say "that might not happen, so we probably won't need that", we get it. My wife feels much better when I tell her we have everything we need. If I told her we  don't have certain things because we would only need them if IT happened....she would either make me get it or say you're stupid AND your're staying home!

     We make sure we buy everything that it will TAKE FOR US TO GET THERE. 

Think about our spiritual lives. Think about something you are passionate about. When you want to make a difference, win a race, achieve a goal, you ask this question...
WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR ______ TO HAPPEN (you fill in the blank).
We don't choose short-cuts, we go full throttle to make it happen. When we want something to happen we don't give of our SPARE time, if we do it probably won't happen. When we want to make a difference we don't give our SPARE change.  If you are wanting to make a difference, achieve a goal, make an impact which question are you asking:

Two totally different questions and two totally different outcomes.

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